# Design Patterns for Components

In the process of web developement you want create manageable and maintainable code. To makes this possible is neccesary to adopt best practices, known as patterns.

# Why is important the communication between components

By default, in Vue.js the components are isolated. This means that you can't reference parent data directly from child component's template. In order to pass data to child components (with isolated scope) you should rather use props.

# Main types of communication between components

# Direct parent-child communication

This is the common model of components communication in Vue.js, it works passing values as props from parent to child.

Parent-child pattern

Parent Component:

   <child-component :track="track">
export default {
	data() {
		return {
			track: {}

Child Component:

		{{ track }}
	export default {
		props: {
			track: {
				default() {
					return {};
				required: true,
				type: Object

# Cross-component communication

The parent-child communication pattern becomes inconvenient and impractical as complexity grows.

Cross component pattern

Every component can send and/or receive data from any other component.

Using the Global Event Bus this can be achieved:

created () {
  eventBus.$on('updatingScore', newValue => this.score = newValue)

# Vuex

Using Vuex you're implementing the Flux architecture.

# Dependency Injection

There are two alternatives on how Vue.js handles dependency injection modules:

  • vue-component: is very lightweight DI framework which allows you to register and manually or automatically inject anything anywhere.
  • vue-inject: is a bit more functional, it allows all what vue-component do. But also it does introduce simple service/factory/constant implementation with automatic injection support (as arguments) for previously registered entities.

We recommend to use Vue-component if you need a simple yet elegant DI solution for your application and Vue-inject if you miss Angular-style injections or just need more versatile.

# How to use the right pattern

  • For small apps, the props and events will be just fine.
  • For middle range apps, flexibility will be needed, for this Event Bus becomes handy.
  • For large apps, you will need Vuex.