# Plugins

Vue.js plugins are a powerful and simple way to add global features to you application. Vue.js plugins are very simple indeed, it's just an object with an install method that takes a couple of parameters:

  • The global Vue object.
  • An object containing user-defined options.

# Features

# Your first Plugin

This will be a Plugin that console every time a component is created to the DOM.

const FirstPlugin = {
	install(Vue, options) {
			created() {
export default FirstPlugin;

Now can be used in the Vue app by importing it like this:

import Vue from 'vue';
import FirstPlugin from './first-plugin.js';
import App from './App.vue';


new Vue({
	el: '#app',
	render: h => h(App)

# Adding Capabilities

In case you want to package component or directives to be distributed as a plugin.

import NewComponent from './components/NewComponent.vue';
import NewDirective from './directives/NewDirective.js';

const FirstPlugin {
  install(Vue, options) {
    Vue.component(NewComponent.name, NewComponent)
    Vue.directive(NewDirective.name, NewDirective)

export default FirstPlugin;

# Modifying the Global Vue Object

From a plugin you can modify the global Vue pretty straightforward.

const FirstPlugin {
  install(Vue, options) {
    Vue.myAddedProperty = 'Example Property'
    Vue.myAddedMethod = function() {
      return Vue.myAddedProperty

export default FirstPlugin;

# Modyfing Vue.js Instances

You can modify the Vue.js prototype in case you want to add a property or method to component instances with no need of injection mechanism.

const FirstPlugin {
  install(Vue, options) {
    Vue.prototype.$myAddedProperty = 'Example Property'
    Vue.prototype.$myAddedMethod = function() {
      return this.$myAddedProperty

export default FirstPlugin;

# Distributing your Plugin

When your plugin is ready, it can be distributed to the community via NPM or Github. Also you can open a pull request to the official Vue repository.

Official documentation